The Devon Fun Fit training programme
The Fun Fit programme is designed to improve a child's coordination and underlying postural stability and balance. It is delivered in school for 15 minutes ideally each day.
The Fun Fit programme is aimed at children exhibiting poor motor skills: eg difficulties with PE, tendencies to trip or bump into things, poor handwriting skills, problems with dressing, using cutlery, concentration and low self esteem.
The aim is for all primary schools in the county to have two members of staff in each school trained to carry out the programme. Ideally the SENCo or head of PE plus a teaching assistant. When children follow the programme improvements have been seen not only in coordination but also, in many cases, academic achievement too.
The training combines an overview of the theory of the programme with a practical session. If you attend Fun Fit training please were appropriate footwear and clothing.
Please note that if you wish to refer a child to Vranch House for gross motor skills, they need to have attended Fun Fit for two terms.
Information for viewing/download/printing:
Devon Fun Fit FAQ's [pdf]
Making exercises easier or harder [pdf]
Fine Motor Skills Assessment Form [pdf]
High Five:
The Devon High Five training programme
Following on from the success of Devon Fun Fit, Vranch House has commissioned the development of a fine motor skills programme for children in primary education.
High Five is designed to be used in the early school years but also to be used in key stages one and two for children with underdeveloped fine motor skills. The structured programme consists of 25 activity sessions which are split into 5 fun themes.
The programme is designed for use by teachers and teaching assistants and is flexible, taking up only 20 minutes of the school day.
High Five is aimed at children exhibiting poor fine motor skills eg: poor handwriting skills, lack of hand strength, difficulties with manual dexterity, struggling to coordinate cutlery and poor dressing skills.
The ethos of the programme is to encourage positivity and a 'can do' attitude.
Please note that if you wish to refer a child to Vranch House for fine motor skills, they need to have attended High Five for two terms.
Questionnaires for download and printing [portable document format (pdf)]:
Child Parent Teacher
Start of programme: Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire
End of programme: Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire

Devon Fun Fit & High Five