Speech and Language Therapy
The speech and language therapy team based at Vranch House includes Speech and Language Therapist Sophie Johns, SLT Assistant Denise Hutchinson, and AAC specialist Iris Gordon Bouvier.
Speech and language therapy at Vranch House School aims to improve the effectiveness of each child's communication skills. This may involve work on any of the following areas:
Speech sounds / phonological awareness
Language work e.g. improving understanding and use of language
Pragmatic / social skills e.g. using language to interact with others
Alternative and augmentative communication e.g. using objects, symbols, photos, and voice output communication aids.
The children use a variety of methods to communicate and the type and frequency of speech and language input varies according to the individual's skills and abilities.
Children are mainly supported within class based sessions or small groups to ensure that communication does not happen in isolation in 1:1 sessions.
The speech and language team work closely with parents, classroom staff and other professionals to assess each child's skills and needs, to offer advice and set goals that are incorporated into the child's Individual Education Plans.
The speech and language team also works closely with other professionals and parents to develop the child's eating and drinking skills. We aim to enable the children to be as independent as possible and to be active participants in mealtimes that are happy, relaxed and comfortable.
The speech and language team also have a role in supporting children with physical difficulties in their mainstream placements.