Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Vision Statement


The children who come to Vranch House School have significant physical difficulties which impact on their abilities to learn and access the National Curriculum.   A child will be placed at Vranch House because the Authority, parents and the school agree that it is the most appropriate setting. A very small number of Vranch House pupils may benefit from accessing mainstream settings and could therefore be included on a part-time basis provided the anticipated educational outcomes are agreed to be beneficial.

The aim for each child is to provide them with the optimum balance of support and challenge, in an environment in which they can flourish and develop confidence as an individual, as a member of the school community and as part of the wider world. Each child is enabled to control every part of their life to the fullest extent within the context of their overall abilities. 

The relationship between movement, language and function is fundamental to all children's opportunities for learning.  Through the special integrated curriculum and Access Learning1, which includes the National Curriculum, we strive to offer the children challenging learning opportunities throughout the school day at a level that is relevant and appropriate to their needs and potential.


1 Access Learning is defined as the process by which physical abilities developed naturally in the able-bodied child are acquired by the child with Physical Difficulties.  These abilities not only enable access to the National Curriculum (as far as is appropriate) but also prepare the child for the greatest degree of independence and best quality of life consistent with the child's potential.  Access learning is delivered by multi-disciplinary teams who share professional skills whose main components are teaching, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and hydro-therapy.