Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Parent's Newsletter - National Lockdown 5th Jan 2021

Parent's Newsletter - National Lockdown 5th Jan 2021

Date added: Monday 4th January 2021
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023

Parents & Carers,

Re: National Lockdown from 5th January 2021

Many of you will have just heard the Prime Minister address the nation to say that we must enter another period of national lockdown and advising those individuals who are ‘clinically vulnerable' to resume shielding.

Following all DfE and NHS guidance, Vranch House School will remain open as usual for all pupils wishing to attend face-to-face provision during this latest Lockdown.

Over the remainder of this week, the Chief Executive and I will be telephoning each family individually to discuss your wishes in terms of school attendance, or otherwise, for your child.

We understand the frustration and concern this latest Government announcement will have caused and we will continue to fully support all our pupils and families by all means at our disposal.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Yours faithfully

Ian Norton

Head of Education