Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 07/05/2024

Parents Newsletter March 2011

Date added: Thursday 7th April 2011
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023

New Teacher: I am very pleased to inform you that we have appointed a new
Teacher for Class 3. Chloe Bond is an NQT (newly qualified teacher) who is up to
date with all recent educational approaches and has also worked in a Special School
as a teaching assistant. She will be supported during her induction year by Maureen
Boon. Chloe is young, friendly and enthusiastic and I am confident that she will be
an excellent addition to our staff team at Vranch House School.

Sign2sing – took place on Wednesday 9th February, 2011. This was a fun attempt
to break the world record for signing and singing, nationally. We joined with many
other schools for this attempt. The bit I forgot to mention is that we were also raising
funds to help support deaf children. If you would like to send a retrospective
donation into school you would be most welcome. There is no need to donate, it is
entirely voluntary. We hope the children enjoyed this event; they certainly appeared
to enjoy themselves. Many thanks to parents and children who attended, you really
helped to add to the event, perhaps if we repeat it again next year, we will put a little
more effort into the event to make it a bigger and brighter celebration of signing and

Vranch Chats Visitor: On Wednesday 16th February, 2011 Stephen Knight who
arranges the yearly visit to Lourdes was in school to give a talk and answer any
questions for interested parents. No parents came in for this talk and so apart from
the Physiotherapy Open Week, which is to be held from Monday 7th March, 2011, I
have not arranged any further parent meetings. If anyone has any suggestions for
talks or practical opportunities to try out equipment, ask experts about services or
anything else you think of I would be more than happy to make the necessary
arrangements. It could be that you would prefer to come in and see your children
taking part in activities rather than hearing speakers, please let me know your ideas
and we will see what we can do.

Monthly Planners: I have once again included a planner for March and April, which I
hope will be of some use to you. You will see that World Book Day takes place on
Thursday 3rd March and we would like to celebrate it in as many ways as possible.
We will share stories throughout the day. Children are welcome to bring favourite
stories, props, dress as their favourite character – anything they like really.

March 2011 Planner[pdf]

April 2011 Planner[pdf]

Comic Relief Red Nose Day: We will be raising funds on Friday 18th March 2011
for this good cause. Events will include dressing up, being very silly etc.

Scholastic Book Club: The latest edition of the scholastic book club leaflet will be
coming home with the children very soon. If you would like to place an order these
can be either done directly on line with scholastic or via the school bulk order. If you
wish to place an order via the school please ensure that your order and payment are
sent in to school by the 18th March.

Staff training: We have members of the Soundabout Team coming to train all
teaching staff in the use of Soundbeam, resonance boards and a range of other
activities designed to support all children in school. These training days are on 16th,
17th and 23rd March, 2011, and will include the children in school as much as

Easter Bonnet Parade and tea party: We are planning to hold another Easter
Bonnet Parade on the afternoon of Wednesday 6th April, 2011. This should be a fun
afternoon and we will provide more details closer to the time. Proceeds raised from
refreshments will go towards SignHealth which supports deaf children.

Non-pupil day: A reminder that the last day of term Friday 8th April, is a non pupil
day. This has been arranged in order for us to prepare for the implementation of our
creative curriculum which is designed to allow us to focus our teaching and
physiotherapy activities towards the needs of individual children. It may involve
mixing classes up a bit, at times, in order to target particular skills. This will be in a
similar format as the powered driving and Explorers groups run at present.

Signing Workshop: I attach details of the next signing workshop that Cat Ward will
be holding in school on Wednesday, 4th May. Form here.

School Governor: I am very pleased to report that parent, Michaela Wood, has
come forward as a volunteer to be a School Governor and we welcome her to that
role. If parents/guardians would like to contact Michaela this can be done through
the school office.

DISCplus Newsletter: The new edition of the DISCplus newsletter will be available
to view online at this link http://www.devon.gov.uk/cwan-newsletter.htm from
Tuesday, 1st March. The newsletter contains news and information for families of a
child with additional needs in Devon.

Jane Parsons
28th February 2011

Link to download:

Newsletter March 2011[pdf]