Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Chief Executives Report 2008

Chief Executive's Report - Financial Information

Financial Information abstracted from the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2008

The figures used in this article are taken from the Auditor's Report for the 2007/2008 Financial Year. The headline financial news is included in the report of the Directors and Trustees but the following financial information is worth high lighting:

  • Income rose for the 15h consecutive year from £1,191,976 in 2007 to £1,307,032 and we enjoyed an operating surplus of £72,507 with an elective investment spend of some £29,000. Gross turnover now exceeds £2m.
  • Debtors were £61,695 for this year (£84,798 in 2007).
  • The third operating year of Optech – our service for designing, manufacturing and installing the assisted mobility trackway and vehicles – has been very successful and the service covered its direct costs (the charity continues to pay for the indirect costs).
  • We have maintained the high number of pupils in the school and outpatients seen by the clinic whilst continuing investment in the Inclusion and IT services.

The Trustees agreed a programme of capital investments for the Financial Year (2007/8) which allowed for a continuing investment in Information Technology and the infrastructure at Vranch House whilst permitting the development of the capital reserve to help with the costs of the “Big Build” in 2008/9.


Future Plans

We are planning to both rebuild existing and construct new facilities at Vranch House to improve the services we can offer to school pupils, outpatients and staff. The major activities in this program, now named “The Big Build”, will be to replace the delapidated entrance canopy, build a new external store for therapy equipment, construct and equip a brand new Learning Resource Centre and greatly enlarge the clinic and consulting room. We anticipate that the cost of the whole program will be in the order of £160,000 and the planned completion date is September 2008.

Graeme Wheeler
Chief Executive