Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Parent's Newsletter - Sept 2021

Date added: Friday 24th September 2021
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: News and Flu and COVID Vaccinations

Exeter Chiefs Collection

Fancy watching an Exeter Chiefs rugby game for free?  The Exeter Chiefs Foundation has a long history with Vranch House and we have been named their ‘Charity of the Year' to receive support from their ongoing fundraising.  Part of this support is offering free tickets to Match Day Collector volunteers, affiliated to Vranch House, willing to shake a collection bucket and encourage rugby fans to give generously before the match, during half time and once the game has finished.  In short: your volunteered time will help local charities (including us) and you get to enjoy the game without the cost of admission!

Match Day collectors will be collecting this year for Vranch House, and some other similar local charities, with a percentage of the collection going directly to each charity per-match (the rest will go to the Exeter Chiefs Foundation's central fund for their other charitable work).  If this sounds like something you would be interested in supporting, please contact Chloe Moore for further details and upcoming dates: [email protected]


School Vaccination programme

As I am sure you will have heard, it has been agreed by the Chief Medical Officers (CMO) that 1 dose of the CoVID vaccination will be offered to all children aged 12-15 years, this will be young people in school years 8-11 and those in year 7 who were 12 years old on or before 22nd September 2021.  

The Virgin Care School Immunisation Team has been asked to deliver this alongside the nasal flu vaccination programme.  Parental consent for both vaccinations will be gained via e-consent, in the usual way as for all their vaccination programmes; however, for CoVID vaccinations consent can only be gained 4 working days prior to the vaccination session. 

Please be assured that no Vranch House pupils will be given any vaccine without explicit consent from Parents or Carers.


The School Immunisation Team date for vaccinations to be delivered at Vranch House is

Friday 8th October 2021

Further information on the vaccines being offered can be found here: COVID-19 vaccination programme for children and young people: guidance for schools - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).

If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact the Virgin Care School Immunisation Team on 0300 247 0082 or via email [email protected] 


Vranch House remains committed to keeping the school and outpatient services ‘COVID secure'.  All staff are routinely taking lateral flow tests twice weekly, wearing facemasks at all times and continuing with increased hand and surface cleansing, using sporicidal cleaning products.  If you are visiting the school or outpatient areas, please help us protect our pupils and staff by wearing a face covering and using the hand sanitising stations around the building.  Thank you!

Devon EHCP Hub

I know many of you have struggled to get to grips with the Devon County Council's (DCC) online ‘EHCP Hub' and dates for your child's Annual Review of EHCP may have changed.  I am working closely with the DCC 0-25 SEN Team to try and resolve the ongoing issues we have experienced and establish a clear, sensible and achievable schedule for all our pupils' Reviews this year. 

Thank you for your patience whilst we resolve these issues and if you have any queries please contact myself or Tracey Ward on the main school telephone number.


Dates for your diary:

Friday 8th October 2021 - Flu and COVID 19 Immunisations

Monday 25th to Friday 29th October 2021 (inclusive) - Half Term, school closed to pupils

Saturday 4th December 2021 - Christmas Fayre at Vranch House, details to follow... Save The Date!


Yours faithfully


Ian Norton

Head of Education