Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Parent's Newsletter - April 2021

Parent's Newsletter - April 2021

Date added: Monday 3rd May 2021
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023

Dear Parents & Carers,

Re:50th Anniversary of Vranch House School

We are celebrating our 50th birthday this month (May 2021)!Vranch House was set up by Charles Vranch as a charity in 1969 and the school opened its doors to pupils for the first time on the 14th May 1971.From humble beginnings, the school now comprises Nursery, Early Years, Primary and Secondary provision with a present combined capacity of 55 pupils. In 2020 the school opened its Innowalk suite, making Vranch House the only setting in the UK to have 3 of these state-of-the art specialist cross-trainers for disabled children & young people.

Sadly, we cannot mark this half-century of education provision at Vranch House with a big open-event due to the COVID -19 social distancing restrictions that will still be in place during May 2021.  We will instead be rolling this celebration into social gatherings we are planning to hold later in the year (see below).  In the meantime, you can take a peek at some amazing prizes that have been gathered for our ‘Auction of Promises' to mark our 50th birthday.   See if anything catches your eye ahead of the auction going live on Friday 14th May at 8am at: https://auctionofpromises.com/cause.aspx?c%3d6093 or head to our Facebook page for more details.

We take great joy in celebrating the school being 50 years old and hope that Charles Vranch would look upon his legacy and see the positive difference his charity has made to children and young people with disabilities living in Devon.

Uniform and Dinner Money

The Executive PA to the Chief Executive, Tracey Ward, will be placing an order for school uniform just before the end of term.  I would like to take this opportunity to reinforce to all parents and carers of all pupils, old and new, that wearing our unform is not mandatory. We also have a small selection of second-hand uniform available for a donation of your choice.

We understand that putting on ‘school clothes' helps many of our pupils recognise that it is a ‘school day' and we do love seeing those who choose to wear uniform wearing it with pride.

If you would like to order any polo shirts, jumpers, cardigans, book bags or sun hats, whether new or second-hand, please contact Tracey Ward at Reception with the types and size of garments you require before the end of the summer term on Friday 23rd July

As announced in a previous newsletter, we have unfortunately had to increase the parent/carer contribution to our provision of school dinners.  School dinners are now £2.50 (two pounds and fifty pence) per child, per day.  Again, please contact Tracey Ward for all dinner money payments and queries.

Coffee Mornings and Family Fun/Sports Day

Those who have been part of the ‘Vranch House Family' prior to the COVID - 19 pandemic may remember some of the fun we have had by coming together and putting on events in the gardens of the School.  The Government's planned ‘Step 4' for the lifting of restriction on social events, when "It is hoped all legal limits on social contact can be removed."(seePrime Minister sets out roadmap to cautiously ease lockdown restrictions - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)) should come into play on Monday 21st June 2021.

I am sure we are all hoping that this goes ahead, so we are planning to re-start our Parent/Carer Coffee Mornings and hold a combined Family Fun and Sports day at Vranch House at some point during the week beginning the 28th June 2021.  I will provide more details on this proposed event after the half-term by which time, hopefully, the Government will have given indications that the final stage for their ‘roadmap to easing restrictions' is still on track.

Key dates for your diaries

  • Monday 3rd May 2021 - Bank Holiday - school closed to pupils
  • Friday 14th May 2021 - 50th Anniversary of Vranch House School
  • Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June - Half Term - school closed to pupils
  • Week beginning 28th June - Family Fun/Sports Day - To be confirmed

I hope you all enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend. Stay safe and stay well.

Yours faithfully


Ian Norton

Head of Education