Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 11/10/2024

Parent's Newsletter - Summer 2020

Parent's Newsletter - Summer 2020

Date added: Monday 13th July 2020
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023

Dear Parents & Carers,

Re: Summer is on the way!


One week to go and all is well, if a little busy still!  It has been an extremely difficult time for all of our pupils and their families; I hope that our remaining open throughout the national lockdown has helped support all our families, particularly those contending with working from home and ‘home-schooling' children at the same time.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, can I once again pass on my thanks to all Parents and Carers for your support in keeping Vranch House free from COVID-19 and a safe place to be.

Sadly, we are also nearing the point when our present Chief Executive, Col. Wheeler, will be retiring.  On the up-side, once restrictions on social gatherings have eased further, I will be working with staff to organise an event here at Vranch House, involving the whole ‘Vranch Family', to give Col. Wheeler the send-off he deserves after 27 years of service to our pupils, families and staff.

As promised, here is a schedule for Special Achievement award presentations in class groups that I have planned for next week:





Group 2

w/Chelsea Armstrong

Group 1

w/Adelle Gale

Group 3

w/Chloe Moore


Group 4

w/ Evelyn Gawen

Group 5

w/Laura Madden


Group 6

w/Zoe Gilbert


I will be emailing Parents and Carers of pupils in each of the present ‘group bubbles' a link to join-in and clap via Zoom, should you wish.

Finding Childcare and summer provision

DCC have requested that I pass the following information onto Parents and Carers:

"Parents and Carers will be able to find out what childcare will be available on the Pinpoint Site (https://www.pinpointdevon.co.uk/parents-and-families/). If at that time they cannot find childcare they  need they can complete the ‘Unable to Find Childcare Form' (https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/early-years-and-childcare/devon-family-information-directory/childcare-brokerage/unable-to-find-suitable-childcare) and the Early years team will then arrange for one of our team to Please note this is parent funded provision."

I am hugely proud of our amazing staff for doing their part in keeping Vranch House Covid - 19 free; with not one single case confirmed among any of our staff, pupils, outpatients or their families.  With the Secretary for Education, Gavin Williamson, stating his expectation for all pupils to return to school in September 2020, the incoming Chief Executive, Kate Moss, and I are in the process of reviewing all of our infection prevention and control measures.  I will be writing to you all again in mid-August to let you know any further changes we decide to make to ensure that we keep Vranch House the very safest place possible for all our fabulous pupils, outpatients, their families, our staff and visiting professionals to come to.

Please don't forget...

End of the Summer Term:  Friday 17th July 2020, 2.00pm

Start of the Autumn term: Monday 7th September 2020, from 9.00am

I sincerely hope that you all manage to get out and about more in the beautiful surroundings we share and, by the time we return in September, catch up with loved ones. 

Stay well, stay safe.

Yours faithfully

Ian Norton