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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Parent's Newsletter November 2019

Parent's Newsletter November 2019

Date added: Monday 4th November 2019
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: Important dates...

I hope you had a pleasant half term; walking around the school the children all look bright eyed and bushy-tailed, which I guess means you have all been busy and many of you are now exhausted!

Remembrance Sunday is on the 10th of November and Vranch House is proud to support the Royal British Legion in their annual Poppy Appeal.  If you or your child would like to purchase and wear a Poppy to show your support, we are selling Poppies at the main Reception desk.  

The School Photographer will be in on the morning of Thursday 21st November to take pictures of all the pupils on roll at Vranch House.   Proof copies of these photographs will be sent home with information from the School Photographer on how you can purchase copies of your child's photograph, should you wish. 

As we all know, this term slips by and before we know it Christmas will be upon us.  In an attempt to get out in front of this phenomenon this year, I thought I would try and publish key Christmas dates as early as possible:

Wednesday 4th December 2019, School Christmas Lunch - As is tradition at Vranch House, pupils will be served a festive Christmas lunch with crackers and all the trimmings.  This meal will be provided by RD&E catering department, the same as all other school meals throughout the year, and will be prepared to the consistency required by your child.  If you do not want your child to partake in this Christmas meal, please let your child's class teacher or the School Secretary know.

11th - 13th December 2019, Class Christmas Productions - As the school has grown to seven classes of pupils (yes, we have seven classes now!), whole-school Christmas productions are becoming unwieldy.   As some of you will remember, Class 4's Christmas video production last year proved to be a rousing success and received hugely positive feedback from all who watched it.  This year every class will be directing, starring-in and producing their own individual-class video productions; these will be put on Earwig after the ‘Premiere' showing of these productions on:

  • Wednesday 11th December, from 2pm - for Nursery, Reception and Class 2
  • Thursday 12th December, from 2pm - for Class 1 and Class 3
  • Friday 13th December, from 2pm - Class 4 and Class 5

Tea, coffee and mince pies will be available after each Premiere.

18th December 2019, from 2pm, Carols Around the Tree - Our annual get-together to sing and be merry before the end of term!  This is a mixture of traditional and modern child-focused carols and Christmas songs that are sung, with signing accompaniment, around our Christmas tree in the school hall.  Tea, coffee and mince pies will also be available after this event, though it is the last day of term and you may wish to take your child home early after the carols.  If you do intend to take your child home in person and they usually get School Transport to and from school, please inform School Transport of this change.  Thank you!

I hope that you will all be able to come-in and join us for one or more of the festive events we have planned, but don't worry if you are unable to attend in person: you still have those Christmas production videos to look forward to! 

Kind regards



Ian Norton

Head of Education