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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Parent's Newsletter May 2019

Parent's Newsletter May 2019

Date added: Thursday 16th May 2019
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023

Parents and Carers of Vranch House Pupils


Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are all enjoying the better weather, let's hope we are in for another fine summer.  As the weather does get warmer and sunnier, can I please remind all parents and carers of the following:

Sun cream and hats - please put sun cream and a hat on your child before they come to school.  If you would like staff to re-apply sun cream during the day, or after Hydrotherapy, please send in the cream you would like to be used.  Can I request that all tubes of cream and hats have your child's name on them so we can send them back to the right home at the end of each day, thank you!

Water and fluid intake - we always try to ensure that all our pupils stay well hydrated and are offered plenty to drink throughout each day.  If your child requires thickening granules to be added to drinks, please assist us by ensuring you have sent-in enough thickener for a likely increase in fluid intake over the summer term.

We are delighted to welcome our newest pupil, Lilliarna, to the school.  She has been very excited to meet her new classmates and will be part-time in Nursery after the half term.

It is that time of year again when, as an ongoing part of the school development plan, I would like to gauge the satisfaction of parents, staff and pupils with their experience of the provision we offer here at Vranch House.  As important partners in the education and wellbeing of the children of Vranch House School I would very much like to hear your views.

If you could please complete the short questionnaire and return it to me via Reception or your child's class teacher no later than Monday 3rd June 2019, I would be most grateful.  I will, as previously, be publishing the results on the school notice board in the main Reception area at Vranch House and hope to get them on our website also. 

Thank you in advance for your participation and thereby helping to keep the focus on maintaining the high standards of provision here at Vranch House.


Dates for your diary

Wednesday 3rd July - Sports Day at Vranch House

July 2019 - exact date TBA - Family Fun Day at Vranch House (to include parents and siblings)

Yours faithfully


Ian Norton

Head of Education


Parent Questionnaire - May 2019 [doc]

Parent Questionnaire - May 2019 [pdf]