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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Parent's Newsletter Autumn 2018

Parent's Newsletter Autumn 2018

Date added: Friday 30th November 2018
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023


Parents and Carers of Vranch House pupils

Dear Parents and Carers

Re: Christmas Productions and DFRS Home Safety visits 

As promised, please find below an update on the timings and locations for the forthcoming Christmas Productions, as mentioned in my previous Newsletter.  I know many of you may need to book time off from work and other commitments, so I am trying to give you as much notice as possible. 

The Sleepy Shepherd,

Nursery and Classes 1, 2 and 3 will be performing their production The Sleepy Shepherd on Wednesday 12th December, from 10.30am, in the School HallEach class involved has been practicing hard and preparing all the costumes, so I hope as many of you as possible will come and see what promises to be a fun and festive production.

Vranch House Has Got Talent

There will be a showing of ‘Vranch House Has Got Talent' production, by Class 4, in the School hall on Wednesday 12th December, from 2pm, with refreshments afterwards.  This is an opportunity to come and see it on the big screen and share the experience with the children and other parents. 

With the seasonal poor weather and usual bugs and viruses doing the rounds, we understand that many of our pupils may be late or absent from School.  Parents and Carers are politely reminded to contact the School as soon as possible to let us know your child will be late or absent.  Thank you!


Devon Fire & Rescue Service Home safety visits

Vranch House are proud to be a partner with Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service (DFRS), where our aim is to work together creating safer communities through the families of our pupils.

The DFRS Home Safety Visit service is completely FREE and involves a firefighter visiting your property and giving advice on how you can reduce the risk of having a fire related incident.

During the visit the firefighter will also check existing smoke detectors or, where needed, supply and fit new ones FREE.  The firefighter will also discuss possible escape plans based around the layout of your property and the needs of your child.

With all those added Christmas lights and decorations (and new toys wrapped up and hiding!), if you would like a firefighter from the DFRS to come to your home and make sure you have a safe and merry Christmas, please let your child's class teacher know via the Home/School diary and they will assist in organising a Home Safety Visit.

Yours faithfully

Ian Norton

Head of Education