Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Parent's/Carer's Letter Summer 2018

Parent's/Carer's Letter Summer 2018

Date added: Tuesday 22nd May 2018
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023

Parents and Carers of pupils at Vranch House

Dear Parents and Carers,

The first signs of Spring have arrived at last!  I hope that the recent improvements in the overall weather patterns will become a lovely warm summer term and, with this hope in mind, I have a couple of reminders and some dates for your diaries.

Sun cream and hats - as the weather improves and we see more of the sun, please put sun cream and a hat on your child before they come to school.  If you would like staff to re-apply sun cream during the day, or after Hydrotherapy, please send in the cream you would like to be used.  Can I request that all tubes of cream and hats have your child's name on them so we can send them back to the right home at the end of each day, thank you!

Water and fluid intake - we always try to ensure that all our pupils stay well hydrated and are offered plenty to drink throughout each day.  If your child requires thickening granules to be added to drinks, please assist us by ensuring you have sent-in enough thickener for a likely increase in fluid intake over the summer term.

Dates for your diaries...

Wednesday 20th June 2018, Whole school trip - the teachers and I have thought long and hard about what kind of a trip we could arrange to tie-in with our theme for this term: ‘Water'.  After much debate, we have decided to organise a day of activities by the canal in Exeter with a mixture of walking, picnicking and games involving water in a park along the way.  We are in the process of route planning and double-checking all the safety elements, so I will provide more details nearer the time.  We can however confirm the date for this whole school trip will be Wednesday 20th June 2018 and siblings would be welcome to attend what should be a great day out.

Monday 2nd to Friday 6th July, Open Week - As per previous terms, teachers will be opening their classrooms to parents and carers to ‘come and see' what their child is doing.  Teachers will also make themselves available during this week to discuss with parents and cares their child's overall progress.

Wednesday 4th July, Sports Day - at the midweek point of Open Week we will be holding our annual Sports Day and this year it will be in-keeping with our topic theme of ‘Water'.  Can all parents and carers please make sure your child comes to school with a spare change of clothes or waterproof clothing on this day; we have lots of fun activities planned, but it is highly likely many of us will get soaked!

As you know, Nurse Ruth left Vranch House after many years of dedicated service and many of you joined us in coming together to give her our thanks at the end of last term.  Ruth has written a note to say thank you to you all for your kind words and gifts, so please find this attached.   To maintain the excellent level of nursing care we provide for our pupils, Lucy Leyman has now joined Nurse Marie as part of the Vranch House School Nurse team.  Lucy has many years of experience nursing within the NHS and is a parent of a former pupil, so is very familiar with Vranch House and already knows many of our pupils.  Lucy has truly thrown herself into the role and we hope you, as parents and carers, will join us in welcoming her to Vranch House.

I sincerely hope to see you all at some point this term and if you would like to discuss any of the above then my door, as always, is open to you all.


Yours sincerely


Ian Norton

Head of Education


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