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Last updated: 26/07/2024

Parent's/Carer's Letter October 2017

Parent's/Carer's Letter October 2017

Date added: Sunday 29th October 2017
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

After the launch of the Parent/Carer access to our assessment tool Earwig Academic I have met with a number of you to discuss your experience of this system so far.  It is most heartening to hear that those of you who have logged in are finding it to be an enjoyable and valuable window into your child's daily progress at school.  I have taken your suggestions for developments to this system back to Earwig and they are in the process of developing a Parent/Carer app for Apple/Android/Windows so watch this space...

If you do not have a login yet it Is not too late!  If you would like to access your child's ‘Timeline' and see first-hand what they have achieved each day, please pass your preferred email address to me via your child's class teacher and I will set-up a parent account for you.

This academic year I have altered the format for assemblies; class teachers now run a class assembly each Friday and link this to a program of events I have put together based around world religions (including Christianity), core British Values (in line with Department for Education guidance) and global citizenship.  To round-off each half term I will be delivering an ‘ABC (Ability, Behaviour and Cognition) awards' assembly to celebrate one pupil from each class who has perhaps demonstrated exceptional growth in a skill area, kindness toward others or new understanding in their work for example.  Parents and Carers are warmly invited to attend these assemblies and I will issue specific invites to Parents and Carers of pupils receiving a certificate at each ABC awards assembly.

Finally, the staff and I have set some dates for key events leading up to the end of term and Christmas (sorry, I know it's still October and many of you don't want to talk about Christmas yet!), please see below.

Friday 20th October - ABC Awards Assembly, from 1.30pm (specific invites, as mentioned above to follow)

Friday 3rd November - Celebration of the lives of Lizzie, William and Emily, from 1pm.

Friday 17th November - Children in Need ‘Spotacular' - see separate letter from Chloe for further details.

Wednesday 6th December - ‘Children of the World', our new and exciting Christmas play!  From 2pm.

Monday 11th to Friday 15th December - ‘Christmas around the World' Open Week for Parents to come and join in the festivities and meet with class teachers/Head of Education

Wednesday 13th December - Christmas Lunch at Vranch House - to be confirmed

Thursday 14th December - Sibling Day at Vranch House

I will be reminding parents and carers of the December and Christmas events when we return after half term, including more details about Open Week.

I look forward to seeing you all at the forthcoming events and my door is, as ever, open to you should you wish to come and discuss any issues or queries in the meantime.

Kind regards


Ian Norton

Head of Education