Vranch House is a centre for the treatment of over 2,000 outpatients with physical difficulties, a provider of various therapies throughout Devon and an independent Day School in Exeter for children with significant physical difficulties.

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Last updated: 06/05/2024

New Children's Assessment Centre Officially Opened

Date added: Friday 19th July 2013
Latest updated: Thursday 23rd February 2023



On Thursday 16th June the opening ceremony of the newly completed Honeylands Children's Assessment Centre took place.


The building was officially opened by Christian Salbaing, Deputy Chairman of Hutchison Whampoa, who unveiled a plaque mounted near the entrance to commemorate the occasion. Hutchison Whampoa is an international corporation originally based in Hong Kong and is one of the world's biggest port and telecommunications operators. In this country they are probably best known as the mobile phone provider ‘3'. The chairman, Sir Li Ka-shing donated £1 million of the £1.8 million required to fund the Honeylands project.

Also present were representatives of Honeylands League of Freinds, management and healthcare professionals from NHS Devon, the build team, and staff and children from both Vranch House School and Honeylands Children's Centre. This included Lady Gillian Ford, who has campaigned for many years for more modern facilities for Honeylands, Carole Trim who designed the building, Charles Horner, owner of Westbuild (the main contractor) and Gordon Bevan who managed the construction. There were short speeches from Mr Salbaing, Mr Andrew Barge, Vranch House Chairman, and Colonel Graeme Wheeler, (Vranch House Chief Executive), who masterminded the creation of this exceptional facility from concept to completion, with an extraordinary hands-on approach and dedication beyond the call of duty.



Local media were invited, and there were reporters from ITV's Westcountry Tonight and the Exeter newspaper Express & Echo present to record the occasion.